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Optimizing Database Performance with Index: Choosing Between btree, hash, text, rtree and Examples

빛나는나무 2024. 1. 21. 01:02

Pros and Cons of Using Index


Improved Search Performance: Index efficiently facilitates record retrieval in tables, particularly enhancing search speed in large databases.

Enhanced Sorting and Grouping Performance: Queries involving sorting or grouping can benefit from improved performance.

Reinforced Unique Constraint: Indexes prevent duplicates and strengthen uniqueness constraints.



Storage Space Consumption: Indexes require additional storage space. Tables with numerous indexes may pose a disk space challenge.

Performance Degradation during Data Updates: Tables with many indexes may experience performance degradation when adding, modifying, or deleting records due to the need for index updates.

Management Complexity: Effective index management may necessitate additional maintenance efforts.


Types of Index and Use Cases:

B-Tree Index

Pros: Effective for range queries and sorted data.

Cons: Performance may decrease with specific data distributions.

Example: Useful for queries involving order dates or user IDs.


Hash Index

Pros: Fast for exact value lookups but unsuitable for range queries.

Cons: Not recommended for queries requiring range conditions or sorting.

Example: Applied when precise matching is essential.


Full Text Index

Pros: Effective for text searches.

Cons: Supported by some databases and generally suitable for specific types of data.

Example: Used for word or keyword searches within documents.


R-Tree Index

Pros: Effective for spatial data searches in Geographic Information Systems (GIS).

Cons: Not suitable for general data.

Example: Applied in databases containing geographic location information.


Index Application Based on Query Construction

Index Applied

When the indexed column is included in search conditions.

In cases where indexes can be utilized for sorting or grouping.

When columns used in JOIN operations are indexed.

Index Not Applied

When functions or operations are performed on indexed columns.

If indexed columns are transformed in the WHERE clause.

In situations where only a portion of data is required (even with index usage, scanning all data may be necessary).

For example,

-- Table creation with Full Text Index
    user_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
    user_name VARCHAR(255),
    user_description TEXT,
    FULLTEXT(user_name, user_description)

-- Inserting sample data
INSERT INTO users (user_id, user_name, user_description) VALUES
(1, 'John Doe', 'A software engineer with a passion for technology.'),
(2, 'Jane Smith', 'An artist specializing in abstract paintings.'),
(3, 'Bob Johnson', 'A chef exploring the world of culinary delights.');

-- Query utilizing Full Text Index
SELECT * FROM users WHERE MATCH(user_name, user_description) AGAINST('technology');

-- Query where Full Text Index may not be applied
SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_description LIKE '%passion%';


The CREATE TABLE statement includes the creation of a FULLTEXT index on the user_name and user_description columns.

Sample data is inserted into the users table.

The first query uses the MATCH...AGAINST syntax to perform a Full Text search on the indexed columns.

The second query, where the LIKE clause involves a wildcard at the beginning of the search term, may not fully utilize the Full Text Index.

This example illustrates the application of a Full Text Index in a scenario where a Full Text search is performed. Keep in mind that the effectiveness of Full Text Indexes depends on the specific database system you are using, as support and syntax may vary.